At 20/20 Sports Physio in Engadine, we provide a comprehensive range of modern treatment options to help you with your niggles, aches, sports injuries and rehabilitation goals.
Knowledge &
Advice about your injury, or any injury / performance topic
How to manage the injury short-term and long-term
Best practice guidelines and what is best for you and your injury, based on the latest research and expert opinion.
Acute sports injury service, including diagnosis, controlling pain and swelling, and bracing/splinting
Restore range of motion, rebuild strength and function, and regain your confidence
Rehabilitation for all stages of the recovery and return to sport.
Preventing / Risk Reduction in sports injuries.
Pre-season sports injury screening - to analyse injury risk, reduce future injury, and improve performance
Performance Testing - for speed, agility, power, and/or endurance
Pain management
Improving strength, and range of motion
Improving functional ability, such as walking, balance, transfers, and stairs/steps.
Hands-On Therapy & Dry Needling
Massage / Trigger point therapy
Dry Needling
Spinal mobilisation
Taping – for treatment or prevention of injury.
Pre-game taping is available for pain or prevention, right before your game or event
Post-Op Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
Orthopaedic physiotherapy and post-operative care following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, rotator cuff repair, total knee replacement, lumbar spine arthroscopy and more
Hydrotherapy following Total Knee Replacement to help you get moving
Pre-hab (pre-op rehab) care to optimise post-operative outcomes, eg. ACL Prehab
Strength &
Exercise to improve strength, fitness, agility, and/or power
Gym or outdoor programs, fully integrated with your lifestyle, sports season, and/or work schedule
Injury prevention and improve performance using sports science
Work-Related Rehabilitation
Workplace Injury - Physiotherapy under WorkCover
Pre-employment screening
Safe lifting and manual handling strategies
Ergonomic advice - is your desk set-up optimised to your role?
Home Visits
If you are unable to travel to our clinic, we may be able to see you at your home.
We will bring everything required so you can relax and focus on your rehabilitation.
Contact Us to find out more about appointments and areas we service in the Sutherland Shire.
Exercise Physiology &/or
Exercise Rehabilitation for pain or injury, with a physiotherapist or an Exercise Physiologist.
Home-based, gym-based or pool-based programs
Improve strength, flexibility, and most importantly, your function
Hydrotherapy - we design and supervise hydrotherapy programs for a wide range of conditions, such as post-op rehabilitation after Total Knee Replacement,
Emergency Physiotherapy
Waterproof fibreglass casts, for both adults and children
Braces, crutches, and boots are available for fractures, dislocations or post-surgical requirements
Are you looking to improve your running performance and/or prevent injury?
We can analyse your running and make recommendations to improve your efficiency, performance, and reduce your risk of injury
If your sport involves running, we can help!